Endnu en stribet sommerkjole
Jeg har set mange lave tøj og kjoler ved hjælp af shirring/rynkning og jeg har længe haft lyst til at prøve det. Jeg søgte efter nogle vejledninger og fandt denne simple vejledning, som er nem at følge og forstå. Helt basalt sætter man bare elastik i undertråden på sin symaskine og syr med almindelig sytråd i overtråden. Jeg var lidt nervøs for at afprøve teknikken, da jeg ikke var sikker på om min symaskine kunne klare elastiktråden – den ligner slet ikke den i vejledningen. Men projektet gik over al forventning, og min symaskine havde ingen problemer med at håndtere elastiktråden.
Stoffet, som jeg brugte, er to af min mors gamle tunikaer. De havde nogle rigtig fine broderier som jeg sagtens kunne genbruge i kjolen. Jeg brugte ikke et mønster, men målte bare mig selv og klippede nogle firkanter efter målene. Det gode ved at bruge denne teknik er at man ikke behøver være nøjagtig med mønsteret, da elastikken laver formerne.
Hvis du ikke har prøvet denne teknik før, kan jeg stærkt anbefale den. Den sikrer en rigtig god pasform, er nem at arbejde med og gør den ofte hadede lynlås overflødig.
This dress is beautiful, the fabric selection is excellent. I love every detail.
You make the process look so simple, I want to try it myself.
Thank you very much, Fabiola.
You should give it a try – it truely is as simple as it sounds.
I agree. That dress is so lovely. I want to make one now! *pulls out sewing kit* Thank yuo for the inspiration! I will definatley be reading your blog often :)
I am completely in love with this dress. I’ve been looking for both a summer dress design and a shirring project- so this is perfect! It’s been awhile since you posted this, but I would am very interested in any more detail/instruction you can provide- the shirring part does seem simple, it’s the construction of the rest of the garment I’m wondering about, like how did you determine the size of the rectangles you cut out? Were they all the same width, or did you make the lower tiers wider in order to have extra for gathering? Did you put elastic in a waistband casing? Did you sew all the rectangles together before or after you did the shirring? Thanks for the inspiration, it turned out really beautifully!!
Thank you very much for your comment, Kahreen.
As you said, it has been a while since I made this dress, so I don’t remember all the details, but I will give it a try.
There wasn’t much measuring or planning in this project as it is made out of old tunic shirts, so I just had to use the fabric that was available. But I made sure that the dress was wide enough for me to get it on (over my shoulders) so I did not need to use a zipper.
I did not make the lower tier wider (except from the white part ofcourse) Basically it is just a tube with shirring. I put elastic in the waistband casing as well as in the top casing. It is not really noticable, but it helps making the top stay in place.
And yes, I sewed the rectangles together first, then added the shirring and finally put the elastic in the casings and added the shoulder straps.
Hope this helps you and if you have more questions feel free to ask :)
thank you for the extra instructions! i went ahead and tried making the dress before i got your additional tips, and it turned out really well, except there’s more extra bulky fabric around the waist than i expected, and now i’m trying to figure out how to take some of it in. i tried darts, but it started looking messy, so i took the bottom half off and am thinking of ways to reshape it more to a waist contour and re-attach it to the shirred top. wish me luck… :)
Oh, that sounds like a triggy problem. I have never experienced that when making anything with shirring. Usually I fix unwanted bulky fabric by adding a casing with elastic in it.
But I wish you the best of luck with the dress :)